Chinese Poems
Though drunk, we lit the lamp to see the glaive.Sober, we heard the horns from tent to tent.Under the flags, beef grilled was eaten by the warriors brave.The martial airs were played by fifty instruments.It was an autumn maneuver in the field.On gallant steed, running full speed,We’d shoot with twanging bows.Recovering the lost land for the sovereign,It is the everlasting fame that we would win.But alas! White hair grows.--XinQiji.Dance of the cavalry
日语N2 日语N2
1)~あげく/~あげくに 困ったあげく 「あげく」接在动词过去时或「名詞+の」的形式后面,表示一种结果,含有“最后终于……”的意思。 前半句通常是一个感觉较长的过程,「あげく」表示的结果中,消极的情况较多。后项一般用过去时结句。 〇長い苦労
2022-07-19 Davis Cheng
金瓶梅 金瓶梅
作品评价: 清初文艺理论家张竹坡称《金瓶梅》为“第一奇书”。 清代刘廷玑《在园杂志·卷二》:“深切人情事务,无如《金瓶梅》,真称奇书。欲要止淫,以淫说法;欲要破迷,引迷入悟。而文心细如牛毛茧丝,凡写一人,始终口吻酷肖到底。结构铺张,针线缜密
2022-07-19 Davis Cheng
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